一個四世同堂的家族在平安夜齊聚祖屋,這可能是他們最后一次在這里過圣誕。隨著夜色漸深,幾代人的緊張關系愈發(fā)劍拔弩張?! ∮捌雵?024年戛納導演雙周。
6.0 “騙騙”喜歡你
3.0 典范
2023 喜劇簡介: The Paragon is the story of DUTCH, the crippled and angry victim of a hit and run, who takes a course on how to be psychic so he can find the car that hit him and take revenge on the driver. But when his teacher ,LYRA, draws him into her search for a mysterious crystal known as THE PARAGON, Dutch finds himself trapped in a parallel universe and on the run from Lyra's evil brother HAXAN and his band of psychic slaves. -
6.0 東北“大仙兒”
8.0 大場面
9.0 美國崩潰
1.0 阿諾拉